"We strives to establish a radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control -- a non-racist, classless, feminist, socialist society in which people cooperate at work, at home, and in the community."
"Unless the great majority of Americans not only have, but believe they have, a fair chance, the better American future will be dangerously compromised."
"I don't believe we need the government's help as much as some think we do. That belief sets me apart from the Democratic Party. I also believe our lifestyle choices should be left up to us. What we do in our private lives is none of the government's business. That position rules out the Republican Party for me."
-- Jesse Ventura, Governor of Minnesota. More Politics
"The American system of democracy is founded on the concept that every citizen has the right to vote, to know that their vote is counted, and that the vote is counted accurately."
-- Barbara Mikulski, United States Senator. More Politics
"If you're hanging around with nothing to do and the zoo is closed, come over to the Senate. You'll get the same kind of feeling and you won't have to pay."
"Politics is about the improvement of people's lives. It's about advancing the cause of peace and justice in our country and the world. Politics is about doing well for the people."
-- Paul Wellstone, United States Senator. More Politics
"I wish the press were paying more attention to the erosion of the Constitution and the slippery slope that we're getting into, by giving up the right of the Congress to talk about when and how and where we go to war."
-- Barbara Lee, United States Congresswoman. More Politics
"Don't divide the world into "them" and "us." Avoid infatuation with or resentment of the press, the Congress, rivals, or opponents. Accept them as facts. They have their jobs and you have yours."
-- Donald Rumsfeld, United States Secretary of Defense. More Politics
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
-- Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States. More Politics
"While all other sciences have advanced, that of government is at a standstill - little better understood, little better practiced now than three or four thousand years ago"
-- John Adams, President of the United States. More Politics